Naufragiat! @ Teatrul Maria Filotti Naufragiat!

The Fantastic Adventures of Louis Rougemont (as told by himself) by Donald Margulies

„NAUFRAGIAT! is the result of a collective effort to bring Donald Margulies' text, staged for the first time in Romania, into the spotlight. Together with actors Ciprian Chiricheș, Blanca Doba, Nicholas Cațianis, Corina Borș, set designer Maria Nicola, and lighting designer Lucian Moga, supported by the professionalism of the theater’s technical team, we have aimed to give the audience the chance to fall in love again with pure theater – one that tells coherent, intelligible stories and moves a wide range of spectators, regardless of age or level of education.

I like to believe that we have created a show that speaks to many without sacrificing the artistic depth that resonates with a select few.“ – Andrei Huțuleac, Director

Ciprian Chiricheș
Nicholas Cațianis JR.
Blanca Doba
Corina Borș

Translation – Corina Moise
Director – Andrei Huțuleac
Set Design – Maria Nicola
Lighting Design – Lucian Moga

**Technical Team of Naufragiat!:**
Technical Director: Emanuel Bisa
Props: Carmen Spălatu
Wardrobe: Mita Voicu, Adriana Tudose
Lighting: Florin Lazăr, Aurica Cosma
Stage Crew: Cristian Ghita, Gheorghe Staicu, Ilie Nelu, Marian Ivan, Aurelian Mihai