The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother @ German State Theatre Timișoara
The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother – by Gabriel García Márquez – Directed by Yuri Kordonsky
The play tells the story of Eréndira, who, at only fourteen years old, is forced into prostitution by her grandmother, who blames her for burning down their house.
While hundreds of men line up outside Eréndira’s tent, the grandmother negotiates the price and counts the money. Ulises, young and beautiful like an angel, desires her too. After their escape attempts fail, the two lovers plan a murder. "The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother" is considered one of Gabriel García Márquez’s most moving stories.
Some motifs from the masterpiece "One Hundred Years of Solitude" are intertwined with themes of guilt and redemption, love, and death. A Nobel Prize-winning author, an exceptional director who also adapts the text for the stage, and an acclaimed ensemble bring to life a magical world where reality and fantasy merge.
Supertitles: RO
Duration: 02:00
Eréndira – Olga Török
Grandmother – Ida Jarcsek-Gaza
Ulises – Richard Hladik
Photographer; An Old Angel – Rareș Hontzu
Grocer; An Old Shepherd; Old Gypsy – Franz Kattesch
Postman; An Inexperienced Soldier; A Young Man – Radu Brănici
Spider Woman; Headless Woman; Snake Woman – Isa Berger
Musician; Aurelio – Dana Borteanu
Man from the Dream; An Experienced Soldier; Shepherd – Harald Weisz
Carrier; An Old Man – Yannick Becker
Carrier’s Son; A Young Man; A Sick Soldier – Richard Hladik
Women in the Crowd – Isa Berger, Dana Borteanu
Men in the Crowd – Radu Brănici, Harald Weisz, Marc Illich, Yannick Becker
Director: Yuri Kordonsky (a.G.)
Set Design: Helmut Stürmer (a.G.)
Costumes: Ioana Popescu
Music: Tibor Cári
Dramaturgy: Rudolf Herbert
Lighting Design: Botond Nosz (a.G.)
Assistant Director: Isolde Cobeţ
Assistant Set Designer: Zsolt Fehérvári (a.G.)
Makeup: Bojita Ilici
Technical Director: Costinel Stănescu