Two on a bench with Mihai Bendeac & Ilona Brezoianu

Mihai Bendeac and Ilona Brezoianu are "Two on a bench"
A man and a woman, at dusk, in a park that becomes a living room, bedroom, but especially the scene of the dispute, of the intrigue that is woven with the sensory and sensual exultation of the two characters - Vera and Fedea (Iura, Alexei ). Two people who get caught up in the illusion of a possible love that can appear (in a vague form), however… even after three, four failed marriages. You realize that, in fact, no one wants to leave that bench, which closes in it, as in a miraculous space, suspensions, feelings, a time of possibilities, in which one can dream of happiness. And that's not what we do, are we looking for?