How to @ Ioan Slavici Classical Theater

It's a comedy for intelligent people! A show written and directed by Octavian Strunilă, as they say:

A laugh-out-loud comedy! Inspired by real life, the show introduces us to the glamorous world of the backstage of a theater show.

We witness the creative process that artists go through, with a host of funny yet sad moments, from the first day of rehearsal to the premiere of a show compromised from birth.

The show "Cum se face" has in the cast: Dana Dembinski, Andreea Mateiu, Paul Ipate, Adrian Ștefan, Octavian Strunilă, and is intended to be a comedy to the taste of today's audience...

An intelligent comedy!

Directed and written by Octavian Strunilă.

The minimum age for admission is 12!